Saturday, January 26, 2008

Five Smooth Stones

I just read an excellent, really excellent article from Catholic Online. Now you might think that this would be the last place to read an article in support of Governor Huckabee, but let's not succumb to the kind of prejudice that is being wielded against the Huckabee campaign. Please read the article, and rate it.

Let Huckabee Speak, Let Huckabee Run ... and check his pockets

Friday, January 25, 2008

Nice Endorsement from Georgia

Huckabee presents the best choice for Reagan supporters


The American Conservative has a good article online: The Audacity of Huck. I so wish the Beltway prophets and talking heads would get a clue.

I watched the debate last night on MSNBC and felt that the nature of the questions addressed to Governor Huckabee was deplorable. I could say the same about Congressman Paul. Tim Russert seemed to think they were there for his comic relief. To give Ron Paul his due, he stayed on message better than I have seen before. And Governor Huckabee was not deterred by Russert's sarcasm. When Russert attacked on the fair tax, Governor Huckabee suggested that he read the entire proposal and said that we need to be willing to look at new things because the same old system just wasn't working.

Tucker Carlson thinks Governor Huckabee won the debate.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fighting On

After listening for two days to talking heads saying Mike Huckabee was pulling out of Florida, someone finally asked Mike. Huckabee struggles to keep 'scrappy little army' in fight.

Grrr ... the talking heads and the Beltway prophets would like it if we would just sit down and be quiet. Not gonna do it ... wouldn't be prudent, as someone famously said.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Is Fred's Campaign Dead?

Fred Thompson had little to say about future plans and has no campaign appearances scheduled. Is it over yet?

Interesting article about Fred Thompson and his motivation: How Much Does Fred Hate Huck?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

On the economy

I'm listening to the rhetoric on the economy with a great deal of confusion. Fred says it will take care of itself. Rudy just harks back to when he was mayor of New York City. The economy is clearly not McClain's strong suit. Who is left ... oh, yeah ... there's Ron Paul and his stance on the economy is as incoherent as his stance on anything else. And then there's Mitt. When I listened to him speaking in Michigan and again in South Carolina, I thought I was listening to a Democrat. He's going to single-handedly bring back the auto industry and the textile industry?

Mike Huckabee just published a 5-point Fair Deal for All Americans plan which seems like a reasonable response. It would be nice if some of the others would put their plans on the table.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Spitting Tacks

I listened to Mitt on Larry King tonight ... it was a big mistake! After hearing him state that he has said often that he is concerned for the economy (when? was I not listening? or did he get concerned on the plane to Michigan?) he again began talking about relief for the middle class. He was touting his plan to allow the middle class, which he defines as those earning under $200,000/year, to earn interest on their savings tax free. ARGH!

Thanks, Mitt. I challenge that on a bunch of levels, the first being how you define middle class. If he had said under $100,000, it might have been closer. But most of those people are two earner families and they need every penny they have to live. Most don't have savings, so Mitt's proposal is useless. Moreover, because they are two earner families, they pay a higher tax than a single earner would.

Get a clue, Mitt

Will Mitt Save MI like he did MA?

Mitt's Mythical "Mass. Miracle"

Read this and then decide if you think Mitt Romney is the man to help Michigan's economic woes!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Economic Speech in Michigan

From the NY Times

Huckabee Splits Young Evangelicals and Old Guard

What this article fails to point out is that evangelicals have been getting more and more frustrated with national evangelical leaders who continue to support national candidates whose actions directly contradict evangelical values. We are not trying to establish a theocracy, as liberals accuse, but we can no longer turn a blind eye to the pragmatism of evangelical leaders who chose to support someone they feel is more electable regardless of their values. We hope they will get the message from the groundswell of support for Mike Huckabee.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


The Conservative Argument

My comment was posted over at the Evangelical Outpost, and I thought it worth repeating here:

Today all the candidates are channeling Ronald Reagan and trying to be more Reagan than Reagan. They would do well to remember some of the things Reagan said, like: "You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream -- the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order -- or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism."

The biggest danger to our system of government comes when people no longer believe in it and don't feel it represents them. People don't care about labels; they care about candidates that seem to have an understanding of their problems and seek to help them find solutions. That is Mike Huckabee's greatest asset. He is interested in a civil discourse that seeks to identify and find solutions for the problems that beset us.

At a time when confidence in government is lower than I can ever remember (and that's a long time), maybe it is past time for someone like Mike.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Fox & Friends Interview

The Weekly Standard

The Weekly Standard weighs in on the Fox South Carolina debate.

Great Quote from the SC Debate

In response to Fred Thompson on his record in Congress, Mike Huckabee said: "Senator Thompson, I appreciate you and the other members of Congress passing welfare reform, but it was up to the governors to make it work. And as a governor, we made it work in my state and took half the people off welfare and got them into jobs. ... It's easy to be in Congress and pass a bill that maybe will change some mandates to the states, but those of us who had to govern at the state level were forced with something that members of Congress didn't have to do. They actually had to make it work."

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's About Time

  • It's about time we, the people, took back our government. And Mike Huckabee will help us do that.

  • It's about time we restore civility to the political arena, and Mike Huckabee will help us do that.

  • It's about time we told politicians we are sick of them defining the political process with negative and deceptive advertising, and Mike Huckabee has shown that he will help us do that!

New Michigan Ad

Mike has a new ad for Michigan.

The NRO Shuffle

They're dancing as fast as they can over at NRO to try to dissect the NH Primary in a way that doesn't cast Mitt in an unfavorable light.

Face it folks, Mitt is none of the things you say he is ...

The Paulites

Talk about a strange phenomina, the Ron Paul supporters on the web are active, aggressive and annoying. They seem to troll the web, looking for conversations about other candidates. They then crash the conversation with a massive cut and paste of Paul positions or links to articles about Paul or links to negative press about other candidates. Of course, this is not their own research, so often the links they cut and paste are links to nowhere. That doesn't deter them.

I came under attack over at Digg for questioning one of their sources. See, I knew I would get into trouble on the theological scene sooner or later. I was expecting anti-Christian bias, but what I got was slammed for setting the record straight vis a vis the notion that the founding fathers were all Christians ... *sigh*

The PowerPoint Mind

David Brooks, writing in his article Road to Nowhere which is quoted elsewhere on this site, commented that Mitt Romney reduces everything to a PowerPoint presentation. *grin* This is a trend I have noticed generally in business and don't consider an effective way of communicating. So this morning I went over to the Romney site to see what they were saying about New Hampshire. The answer to that is predictable ... they were applauding Wyoming. But while I was there I decided to take a look at the Issues pages .... LOL! nearly every page has screen shots of what have to be PowerPoint presentations.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Change is Just Nickels and Dimes

I'm getting tired of the candidates who talk about change with no clear understanding of the kind of change we want. Barak Obama talks about hope without telling us clearly what we should hope he will do. Mitt Romney is so far removed from the life most of us live that he doesn't have a clue. I like John McCain and don't question his integrity, but don't see him getting the kind of support he will need to take the nomination, let alone win the election.

I think Mike Huckabee is the only one who understands that we are just plain tired of demagoguery and want a candidate who will stand up and be counted. I don't agree 100% with all of his positions, but he has identified all the areas where I am concerned and is addressing them. Moreover, he has shown that he can work across party lines to get things done.

I don't put a lot of faith in polls, but they do reflect trends ... and they are showing more and more that we like Mike!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

From National Review

Wrapping Up the Last Debate Before the New Hampshire Primary

"I applaud ABC for the style of this debate.

But just as we get a great format, many of the candidates seemed off their game. Maybe they had gotten so used to Nurse Ratchet newspaper editors demanding shows of hands and 15 second answers, or talking snowmen and Bible-waving David Koresh-lookalikes. No huge winners tonight, just a spectrum from ‘good’ to ‘pretty good’ to ‘okay’ to ‘not enough’ to ‘I think he’s in trouble.’

John McCain: He played it safe. Under the usual rules, if you go in as frontrunner and nobody lays a glove on you, you won. Still, I kind of miss the old, “I will hunt Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell” King Leonidas-style gleeful battleaxe that started this campaign. He actually had one moment of that, when he stuck Romney with his, “when you have so many positions, it’s easy to get misquoted” and “you can spend your whole fortune on those attack ads, but that doesn’t make it true.” Will New Hampshire-ites mind? I don’t think so, and I can understand how much he may want to pound away at Romney for running those negative ads. But he shouldn’t do it, and I think the one way he may drop the ball between now and Tuesday is if he goes too negative, considering how he’ll need to unify Republicans quickly if he’s the nominee.

Mike Huckabee: I think there will be a familiar split in reaction to his performance. Pundits, and folks who know these issues backwards and forwards, will find his answers glib, lightweight, paper-thin. Voters will like it. I don’t know how much of a splash he’ll make in New Hampshire, as he’s an odd fit for the state, but everybody else in this field ought to be going to Red Alert, because this guy is going to play the Pied Piper, and a lot of folks are going to line up behind him.

Rudy Giuliani: A solid night, but not a lot of moments to shine. By now, we’re getting more or less what we have gotten from Giuliani from the beginning, and either it does it for you, or it doesn’t. I like his combativeness, he seems very well prepared, he can show a bit of humor, and he pretty much always hits the points he wants to make. But he’s sliding in New Hampshire, and he’s not in anybody’s cross hairs right now.

Fred Thompson: I don’t think it was enough tonight, even though he’s expected to be in asterisk territory in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Few of his answers were bad, and I like the indifferent dismissal of the question from the local TV guy on oil companies’ profits.

During his moment of “If you are rewarded for your illegal behavior, by being allowed to stay in the country, then it’s amnesty” – I jokingly called him Arthur Branch. Still, it summed up what is likeable about Thompson – direct, clear, and logical. He occasionally rotated his chair, and when he did speak – almost only when directly asked – he seemed like a trusted adviser. Is he running for president? Or consigliere?

Ron Paul: As usual, Ron Paul is playing his own game. He’ll get his share of the vote, but I don’t think he’s dislodging any other candidate’s supporters and bringing them into his own cause.

Mitt Romney: At first I was going to say, ‘hit and miss,’ but I think his answers were hit and miss. (I thought his answers on health care were the most understandable of the evening.) I think he came out of tonight a little wounded; everybody else in the race smells blood.

I think the dynamics of the evening were tough for him. He must have felt like a piñata – one moment he’s getting whacked by Huckabee, then McCain, then Thompson. Romney never quite got completely thrown off, but I think the assessment in the Corner is accurate, he doesn’t defend himself well enough. He whines about personal attacks, or says candidates shouldn’t talk about others’ views, which is pretty nonsensical.

If you went into tonight hearing he was a flip-flopper, you heard several other candidates say it tonight, and you saw Romney say it was a personal attack… and then move on to policy points. Whoever’s left undecided might conclude, based on the lack of effective refutation, that the charge is accurate.

01/05 09:01 PM"

Mitt Never Supported a Time Table to Withdraw Troops

Caught in another falsehood. Echoes of Pryor in Romney Plan

Still Standing

Road to Nowhere

David Brooks wrote an excellent appraisal of Mitt Romney: Road to Nowhere

I loved this part: "And yet as any true conservative can tell you, the sort of rational planning Mitt Romney embodies never works. The world is too complicated and human reason too limited. The PowerPoint mentality always fails to anticipate something. It always yields unintended consequences."


The following is from an article on CNN about tonight's debate:

During the spirited discussion on foreign policy, Romney told Huckabee, "Don't try and characterize my positions."

"Which one?" Huckabee then immediately asked, prompting the hundreds of journalists watching the debate from the Saint Anselm College filing center to burst into laughter.

Romney also sparred with Sen. John McCain on the issue of immigration, calling his plan to provide a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants a form of amnesty. Romney has been airing television ads critical of McCain's position in New Hampshire.

"It's not amnesty, and for you to describe it as such in your attack ads, my friend -- you can spend your whole fortune on these attack ads, but it still won't be true," McCain shot back.

"Is there a way to have this about issues and not personal attacks? I hope so," Romney responded.

Excellent New Video from a Huckabee Supporter

Friday, January 4, 2008

How Sweet It Is!

Back in December, when I decided to start blogging for Mike Huckabee, I made my first contribution to his campaign. At that time, I considered signing on as a Ranger and raising money for him. After all, I had been watching his campaign for some time and reading his site regularly. Still, I wasn't quite ready to give up my treasured independent status. I finally decided to take the plunge on the morning of the Iowa caucuses.

The deciding factor for me was my long held position that we should stand up to be counted for the things we believe. So I signed on as a Ranger and started trying to raise contributions.

On January 3, the short term fund raising goal was to reach $200,000 by midnight tonight, January 4. Well that goal was reached the first day. Shortly after midnight, I posted a suggestion that we should increase the goal ... and we did. The new goal is $1,000,000 by January 10. I'm lobbying friends to help us reach that goal. It looks really good ... we are at almost $400,000 now. Every time I click refresh, the counter goes up and up.

How sweet it is!

Update: Saturday, 12 Midnight
We are just under $600,000 ... it's been a great day.


So I was thinking about taking the Ed Sullivan sequence from Bye Bye Birdie and adding Mike Huckabee lyrics to make a youtube video. But then I realized it lacked context. No one would recognize the clip from a movie made in the 60s. Ah, longevity ain't what it's cracked up to be.

Good Article

Excellent article from Michael Medved

Once Upon A Time

To some of you, this story will sound like a fantasy made up in my imagination. I assure you from the vantage point of many years as a political watcher, it really happened.

Once upon a time, when we chose our elected officials, we voted based on who the candidate was and what he stood for. We knew who a candidate was and what he stood for because we listened to the discourse over a period of time and could make informed choices. This process gave rise to an amazing optimism about who we were as US citizens and what our country stood for.

Over time the political landscape changed. Political leaders began to think there was nothing wrong with manipulating the electorate to achieve victory. They turned to slandering their opponents and defined themselves by who their opponents were not rather than who they were. They tailored their message to pander to the interests of which ever group they were addressing and didn't even seem to notice the contradictions. If confronted with those contradictions, they had a song and dance ready to distract us from their dishonesty. They claimed they would do one thing and did the polar opposite once elected. They seemed to think winning an election had somehow annointed them with super powers.

With these changes in the landscape, it is small wonder that the voters became disenchanted. But elections prove that they were not without hope. Even after the famous Contract with America was well and truly broken, people kept hoping their elected officials would do the right thing. This is the reason for the resounding victories of 2006, which changed the balance of power in the house and senate. The balance of power changed, but it was still business as usual and the losers were the American people.

You would think by this time we would be so cynical that we would desert the whole process, and for a long time that is what many people did. In any election in recent years, only about 50% of the eligible voters participated.

Last night in Iowa, we learned that the spirit that created America is alive and well. In spite of well oiled political machines and huge monetary expenditures, Iowans on both sides of the political spectrum cast their votes for a new vision for America. I don't know if the politicians and pundits have learned anything from this. I can only say that it gives me hope.
It gives me hope that we have turned a corner and will listen to a man of honesty and integrity as he casts a vision for a new America.

National Review Article

Byron York has an interesting article on Mike Huckabee. He concludes with what should have been obvious to anyone who listens to Governor Huckabee: "In the end, the race wasn’t about infrastructure at all — something Romney never figured out but Huckabee knew all along."

Thursday, January 3, 2008

CNN calls it

As soon as had CNN projected Mike Huckabee's win in Iowa, I started getting text messages on my cell from people who wanted to know how I had been so sure of the victory. All I can tell them is, "keep watching".

Nail biting time ...

Now the waiting game commences. Caucuses start at 7 PM CST and we should start getting results by about 8:30 or 9 PM.

Then it will be nail biting time for the next few hours.

In for a penny ...

OK, if you look at the sidebar, you will note that I have jumped in with both feet. Now I must swim for my life. You may also notice that I am not hiding behind the blog title, but have put my own name on display. This may or not be hazardous to my health. :-D It is definitely hazardous to my credentials as an independent. The idea that I am liberal, which some of my friends cherish even though it was never really true has also gone down the tube.

Meanwhile, over at CNN

Jack Cafferty asks: "Are Iowa and New Hampshire the right places to start the presidential election process?"

And I answer: You bet they are Jack!

Rather than the crush of states pushing to move up their primaries and caucuses, we, the people, would be much better served if they were more spread out and we were able to meet the candidates the way the people of Iowa and New Hampshire have done. We, the people, could then make much more informed decisions.

Cafferty's comments indicate that many think the conventions are a waste of time and that we should just have a national primary. I strongly disagree. Such a scenario favors the candidates with deep pockets and would most likely give us a President who had little to nothing in common with the population. I'd rather go into the convention with several viable candidates than to have it all settled by March.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I've been frustrated today with the volume of negativity coming from Mitt Romney. And with the Paulites, to tell the truth. It was no small insult to me to log into the chat during the video stream from the Val Air Ballroom only to be asked if I was a Ron Paul supporter. Guess that's to be expected when they were in the chat hot and heavy.

The crush of negative ads had me worried, particularly in light of Governor Huckabee's decision to pull his counter punch. Seeing this video tonight was such a relief!

Tomorrow night at this time we will be celebrating! And I really hope Mr. Mittney is eating some crow.